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Nailing Your Story
Why Is It So Important to NAIL Your Story? (1:47)
The 5 Simple Steps (2:10)
Step 1: Telling Your Story (the unabriged version)
Your Who & Why (1:51)
Step 2: Understanding Your Customer's Needs
Your Ideal Customer & Their Pain Points (5:04)
Step 3: Describing Your Solution
Your What, How & Results (1:35)
Step 4: The ABCs of Condensing Your Story
The A & B (1:35)
The C Challenge (1:57)
Step 5: Practicing Your Story
Practicing Your Story Out Loud (2:22)
Video Shoot Prep: Your Studio (3:54)
Video Shoot Prep: Your Presentation & Mindset (3:37)
Practicing Your Story on Video: "The Shoot" (4:52)
Posting Your Story on Social Media
Your Website & Email
Video Shoot Prep: Your Presentation & Mindset
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